
About Us


Our Mission is to unlock the goodness of Go to help seniors.

Imagine someone you love develops dementia. Eventually, they wouldn’t be able to recognize your face, name, or happy memories you made with them, but the worst part is that dementia is irreversible.

We believe that Go has the power to promote cognitive function, emotional health, and social interaction to elevate seniors’ quality of life.


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Go For A Better World has a vision where seniors and volunteers can learn and support each other, forming lasting bonds across generations, through the game of Go, without worrying about dementia.

initiatives 1

Reaching out to senior centers and assisted living homes to involve seniors in Go-based programs.

initiatives 2

Crafting a senior-focused Go curriculum that holistically addresses the cognitive, social, and emotional challenges of dementia.

initiatives 3

Actively seeking empirical evidence through research and nurturing partnerships in relevant fields.